Franklin County Substance Use Prevention Coaltion

In January 2018, the Franklin County Health Department received a KDHE Injury Prevention Injury Prevention Mini-Grant of $4,675.64 – the focus was preventing the harmful effects of opiate misuse in Franklin County. This led to the formation of the Franklin County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. In August 2018, $30,800 KDHE Opioid Overdose Crisis Response Award was received focusing on community training (Lemonade for Life and Mental Health First Aid), media campaigns – radio and social media, and PSAs at the Plaza Theatre, and with Ottawa Herald. In July 2019, a $15,050 Planning grant and in July 2020, a $32,000 Implementation grant was received from Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Serviced focusing on strategies targeting underage drinking. In Fall 2020 the Coalition developed a logo, Coalition Welcome Pamphlet, and established a Coalition website; and changed the Coalition name to: Franklin County Substance Use Prevention Coalition.  In December 2020, officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer) were elected and began serving in January 2021. We currently have 15 members – who completed the Coalition application process. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 3:30 PM via Zoom.


Reducing substance use is a priority in Franklin County through: prevention, collaboration, and pursuing alternate resources.


The elimination of substance use in Franklin County.        


Franklin County

What they're most proud of

Having more defined structure and identity has brought more unity to the Coalition. We are expanding our scope examining opportunities to better serve Franklin County. The logo, welcome pamphlet, and website have improved our visibility. The current members are more unified in our mission and willing to be an active member in serving the community.